AkU BuKaN SeOrAnG bLoGgEr
MeNuLiS hAnYa UnTuK bErCeRiTa

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A gift


yesterday i received something that i waiting in a long time. an envelope that containing stamps from Australia. wow! Australia right? yes it is..  my friend, arm live there and i ask him to send me for me for my collection. about a month i'm waiting for this stamps. and finally, i get it. it was my first foreign stamps i received for my collection. i think, i had write this story in previous entry. hold on, i  search a entry for you.

actually i just ask for used stamps but you know what?? arm give me a new stamps plus it was a limited edition. anyway, thank you so much arm. eventhough i'm not your close friends in secondary school but now you treat me as your friend. and what are you wish as return i already fulfilled with honour.

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